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Dr. Kristi Brown-Montesano
Lecturer, Herb Alpert School of Music, UCLA

Speaking at Expanding the Canon, Expanding the Audience 

A Lecturer in Musicology at UCLA’s Herb Alpert School of Music, Kristi Brown-Montesano is also an active “public musicologist,” supporting the educational and community-oriented activities of the Los Angeles Opera, Los Angeles Philharmonic, La Jolla Music Society, and Philharmonic Society of Orange County. A respected opera scholar, Brown-Montesano authored the book Understanding the Women of Mozart’s Operas (University of California Press, 2007; reissued 2021); the feminist lens of this study has attracted a growing audience of readers interested in the ethics of opera culture. She also lectures extensively about classical music in contemporary American culture and music and media.

Connect with Kristi on LinkedInFacebook, or Instagram.