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Conference Code of Conduct



The Association of California Symphony Orchestras (ACSO) is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning and networking experience. Our Code of Conduct sets expectations for all ACSO program participants (virtual or in-person), provides steps to report incidents, and lists possible consequences for would-be violators.  

This Code of Conduct aims to support and sustain a community where all people feel safe to participate and introduce new ideas. ACSO does not tolerate harassment or discrimination in any form based on family status, gender identity or expression, marital status, sexual orientation, native language, age, ability, race and/or ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religion, neurodiversity, or geographic origin. 

We welcome contributions from everyone who wants to engage in a healthy and constructive manner within our community. We ask all participants to agree and adhere to these guidelines to help us create a respectful and impactful experience for all. 

As an ACSO event participant, you agree to:  

• Be inclusive, actively seeking and inviting an array of perspectives, and remaining open and curious.
• Only speak for yourself and participate in an authentic and active way by being direct while also respectful and professional.

• Be considerate, kind, constructive, and helpful in your language and actions. 
• Respect confidentiality requests by speakers and other attendees. 

• Be aware of how much you are talking versus listening.
• Assume positive intent, believing that we care for our community and are all doing the best we can.

ACSO will NOT tolerate: 

• Demeaning, discriminatory, demanding, entitled, or harassing behavior and language. 
• Racist, homophobic, sexist, ableist, or otherwise discriminatory or derogatory behavior,  language, or jokes about or directed at any individual, group, or class of people. 
• Unwelcome sexual attention. This includes sexualized comments or jokes, inappropriate physical contact, and inappropriate sexual advances.
• Rude or inappropriate interactions toward participants, event staff, volunteers, or presenters

• Sustained disruption of presentations or other events 

• Deliberate intimidation or stalking of any kind – in person or online

• Collection or distribution of harassing photography or recordings 

• Threats or acts of violence 

• Advocating for, or encouraging any of the above behavior 

Resolve disputes peacefully  

We believe peer-to-peer discussions, feedback, and corrections can help build a stronger, braver,  and more inclusive community. While we assume good intentions, we are attuned and attentive to impacts. If you see someone behaving inappropriately, you are encouraged to respectfully discourage them from such behavior. Expect that others in the community wish to help keep the  ACSO community respectful and welcome your input in doing so. 

Contact us to report an incident  

If you experience or witness disrespectful behavior and feel unable to or uncomfortable with responding or resolving it peacefully, please promptly bring it to the attention of ACSO staff onsite or email office@acso.org. We will work to resolve all incidents of attendees feeling disrespected, threatened, or made uncomfortable in any way. 


This Code of Conduct is in place to protect the safety of all program participants. Individuals asked to stop any harassing or discriminatory behavior are expected to comply immediately. ACSO will seek to resolve conflicts swiftly, and in a manner that focuses on the care of the harmed individual and is positive for the community. However, ACSO reserves the right to take immediate action to redress anything that disrupts the event or makes the environment unsafe for participants. Anyone engaging in any of the behaviors outlined above may be subject to expulsion with no refund from the program and related events and/or may be barred from future events. 

Thank you to every ACSO community member for helping to foster an inclusive and respectful environment at all ACSO events and programs, whether virtual or in-person.