SFX Designer

Celebrating 18 years with Blue Man Group, Bill Swartz currently serves as a Creative Director. While in this role, he founded and continues to run the creative Research and Development Lab for production design elements, including musical instruments, video surfaces, lighting, and special effects. For the Blue Man Group North American Tour, Swartz has put his unique skillset to work in the role of SFX Designer.  A native of Chicago, Swartz began his career as a freelance designer/builder while also making records and touring with his own bands. Since joining the global entertainment phenomenon of Blue Man Group, he has opened shows in Germany, Canada, England, Holland, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Japan, and Australia, and worked special events as a musician, technical director, and production manager, worldwide. Swartz earned his undergraduate degree in Music Performance/Technical Theater from DePauw University and attended Indiana University for post-graduate work in Jazz Studies. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling with his family.