Paul Kwok (Lighting Designer) has enjoyed designing lights for Centre Stage many times before, and is excited to be back. Some favorite include Once (LD), The Final Countdown (LD), and Godspell (LD). Paul has been dabbling in lighting for nearly a decade—working in vastly different venues and many roles. He loves lighting design for the challenge of creating something new and unique for each show using similar tools, and for the wonder that it creates when done well. When he’s not at the theatre, Paul enjoys reading, dancing, and hanging out with his wife. Some other credits include A Midsummer Night’s Dream (LD, HBA Converse), Under the Boardwalk (LD, Milltown Players), Fiddler on the Roof and Hound of the Baskervilles’ (LD, CCES), Into the Woods (SM, CS), Much Ado About Nothing and Othello (SM, USF). Special thanks to Thom Seymour and Kathleen Kwok.