Act One
"Omigod You Guys" – Elle, Serena, Margot, Pilar, and Delta Nus
"Serious" – Warner and Elle
"Daughter of Delta Nu" – Serena, Margot, Pilar and Delta Nus
"What You Want" – Elle, Serena, Margot, Pilar, Kate, Elle's Parents, and Company
"The Harvard Variations" – Emmett, Aaron, Enid, Padamadan, Warner and Company
"Blood in the Water" – Callahan, Chad, Enid, Elle, Vivienne and Harvard Students
"Positive" – Elle, Serena, Margot, Pilar
"Ireland" – Paulette
"Ireland" (Reprise) – Paulette
"Serious" (Reprise) – Elle and Warner
"Chip On My Shoulder" – Elle, Emmett, Serena, Margot, Pilar
"Run Rufus Run/Elle Reflects"- Elle, Emmett
"So Much Better" – Elle, Serena, Margot, Pilar, and Company
Act Two
"Whipped into Shape" – Brooke, Serena, Margot, Pilar, Callahan and Company
"Delta Nu Nu Nu" – Elle and Brooke
"Take It Like a Man" – Elle, Emmett, and Company
"Bend and Snap" – Elle, Paulette, Serena, Margot, Pilar, Kyle, and Company
"There! Right There!" – Elle, Callahan, Emmett, Brooke, Vivienne, Warner, Enid, Judge, Nikos, Carlos and Company
"Legally Blonde" – Elle and Emmett
"Legally Blonde Remix" – Vivienne, Elle, Paulette, Kyle, Enid, Elle's Parents, Margot, Serena, Pilar, Brooke and Company
"Scene of the Crime" – Elle, Judge, Serena, Margot, Pilar and Company
"Omigod You Guys (Reprise)" – Elle, Brooke, Margot, Serena, Pilar, Judge, and Company
"Find My Way/Finale" – Elle, Paulette, Emmett, and Company