is thrilled to be returning to the Agatha Christie sandbox at his home town theater with what is easily one of her greatest mysteries. This is Joel’s seventh Agatha Christie mystery in twenty years of directing for Community Theaters in Fairfield County. Previous Christie mysteries include Go Back for Murder (Darien Players), Spider’s Web (Westport Community Theater), Black Coffee (Carriage House Arts Center), The Mousetrap, And Then There Were None, and The Unexpected Guest (Curtain Call). Not to be stuck in a box of his own making, Joel has also directed a diverse group of other shows in the area including Book of Days, Noises Off, Sly Fox, and Julius Caesar (Darien Players), The Cat’s Meow (Eastbound Theater), The Music Man and Fiddler on the Roof (Downtown Cabaret Theater), Poseidon: An Upside Down Musical, Disaster, Chess, and The Cluesual Suspects (Carriage House Arts Center), Pippin, City of Angels, and Accomplice (Curtain Call). His next production will be Spongebob: The Musical for Fairfield Center Stage in May 2022. He’d like to thank the amazing cast and crew of Murder on the Orient Express for all their hard work, talent, and patience. But most importantly, he’d like to thank his mishpocha for putting up with his mishegas every moment of every day.