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Jameson Darcy

Jameson Darcy is just one of the many aspiring novelists, composers, chefs, painters, and/or librarians of Chautauqua. However, he in fact only has time to play a beloved violin, occasionally supplementing syncopes of sleep to bide some time. Jameson is inexplicably grateful to be studying with the fabulous Mr. Roland and Mrs. Almita Vamos at Roosevelt University. There, his education is supplemented with performances at Chicago’s Symphony Hall, (performing for citrussy, energized audience members) and the magical peers he works alongside daily from all over the world. Jameson counts himself the luckiest small-town kid he knows: someone who’s been encouraged to pursue the dream of being a performing artist since he began this journey eight years ago. Constantly being whisked between anxiety-induced stagefright and practice room hallucinations is a one-of-a-kind fantasy that we musicians crave like chocolate. Here at Chautauqua, Jameson’s second summer program ever, he’s aching for the stomach’s butterflies to finally bloom into one big inspirational roar on stage. He misses his mom, dad, little bro, puppy Maggie, earliest violin teacher Keynes Chen, and beloved Isabel all the time, ultimately making his music for them—even when they’re all several states away. Jameson hopes you enjoy his stage presence, his happy accidents, and the smile he can’t hide when his intense playing becomes indistinguishably natural.