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Josean Delgado

Josean Delgado has performed as a Young Artist Fellow with the International Chamber Orchestra of Puerto Rico for three seasons. Mr. Delgado has newly started his Doctor of Musical Arts in Flute Performance at Michigan State University under the mentorship of Richard Sherman, where he serves as a Teaching Assistant at the Flute Studio. Josean completed his bachelor’s degree at the Conservatorio de Música de Puerto Rico and his master’s degree at Purchase College of the State University of New York, where he won first prize in the Molnar-Harris Chamber Music Competition. His primary teachers include Dr. Tara Helen O’Connor, Josué Casillas, Iván Mariani, and Mindy Heinsohn. Mr. Delgado has taken masterclasses with Emmanuel Pahud, Sharon Bezaly, Denis Bouriakov, and Marina Piccinini, among others. Josean has also participated with Orquesta Sinfónica de Puerto Rico: Gala Zafiro-Ópera de Puerto Rico, the musical "Man of La Mancha" and "Once in this Island" productions at the University of Puerto Rico, the Banda de Conciertos de Puerto Rico, participating in the 31st Festival Internacional de la Música de Festa in Castellón de la Plana, Spain, among others. Mr. Delgado has participated in Le Domaine Forget Festival, Trentino Music Festival in Italy, Iowa Flute Intensive, and Chautauqua Institution.

Josean is the recipient of the Chautauqua Women's Club Suzanne Shull Scholarship “In Memory of Kay Logan” and the Glendorn Foundation Scholarship Fund.