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Jacques Forestier

Canadian violinist JACQUES FORESTIER has performed in concert halls across North America, Europe, and Asia. He began his violin studies at the age of two under the instruction of his mother. He currently holds the Thomas D. Watkins Fellowship at the Curtis Institute of Music, studying with Shmuel Ashkenasi and Pamela Frank, and works with Itzhak Perlman at the Perlman Music Program. A top prize winner at the Stulberg International Strings Competition, the Irving M. Klein International Strings Competition, the Johansen International Competition, the Shean Strings Competition, and the OSM Manulife Competition, among others, Mr. Forestier made his solo debut with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra at age eleven and has gone on to perform with orchestras and ensembles internationally. He is grateful for the support of many, including the Anne Burrows & Edmonton Community Foundations for their generosity in supporting his education.