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Marjorie Sherman

Richmond, VA

Education and training:
I grew up in the School of Richmond Ballet and spent summers away at Houston Ballet and Walnut Hill. While in high school, I spent two years as a trainee at Richmond Ballet. After graduating high school I was promoted to Richmond Ballet II. I just finished up my second season as an RBII member.

My friends usually call me Marj or Marjie, but I am happy with Marjorie as well!

Other organizations/dancers I’ve worked with:
Since I grew up in Richmond I have danced there my whole life until now moving to Dayton!

Favorite thing about being a dancer:
My favorite thing about being a dancer is that it allows me to meet artists from all different parts of the world and backgrounds. I learn so much from the dancers I meet and really enjoy connecting with people through art.

Favorite role or costume so far:
My favorite role and costume I have performed in was the Butterfly in Richmond Ballet’s Nutcracker this past December. The costume had whimsical butterfly wings that were a challenge to rehearse with, but made me really feel the part once I got the hang of them.

What do you want patrons to know about you?
I appreciate their support for the arts as it makes my dream of dancing professionally a reality. I am thrilled to become a part of Dayton’s art community this season.

What do you think you’d be doing if you weren’t a professional dancer?
My answer to this is constantly changing, but right now I think it would be neat to work in physical therapy. I would love to work with athletes as I commend their drive and passion.

Favorite food or cuisine?
My favorite cuisine is Mediterranean. It is always fresh and flavorful. I love a good Greek salad, pita, and hummus.

What are you most looking forward to this season?
I am looking forward to meeting all of the new faces in Dayton. I love the energy dancers have when working together, so I’m excited to experience that l with a whole new group of people.

What advice would you give to aspiring dancers?
My advice to aspiring dancers would be to always make sure you are having fun. When I was younger I thought ballet had to be very rigid, but once I started taking myself a little less seriously, I enjoyed dancing even more than I had before.