SASHA MAYA ADA (Director) is a DFW based director-actor, educator, and Founding Artistic Director of Altar’d Playhouse. Recent directing credits include The Lightning Thief (Junior Players), hang (Second Thought Theatre), Cloud Tectonics (Teatro Dallas), Marjorie Prime (Stage West), Little Shop of Horrors (Lyric Stage), Natural Shocks (Echo Theatre), Aida (Lyric Stage), Cabaret (Arts Mission Oak Cliff x Lost Boys Presents), Pass Over (Second Thought Theatre), If Pretty Hurts… (Jubilee Theatre), Before You Get Married (Bishop Arts Theatre Center), A Christmas Carol (Associate Director- Dallas Theater Center ’22-‘24), and Two Gentlemen of Verona (Associate Director- Shakespeare Dallas). Sasha’s past acting credits include Macy in The Cake at Theatre Arlington, Billie in Enemies/People at Second Thought Theatre, May in Fool for Love, and Brutus in Julius Caesar at House Party Theatre. Upcoming productions: Hairspray (The Troupe Theatre) and Mac Beth (Circle Theatre). Sasha thanks her friends and family, Anne and B, and her mother Sheila for their unconditional love and support. @sashamayaada @altardplayhouse