I use drawing, printmaking, and sculpture to examine rituals and habits surrounding the space, time, and manner in which we eat, prepare, and acquire our meals. Little Kitchen Situation explores the kitchen as place, object, and character in a narrative. I created a scaled-down cardboard modular kitchen and asked a young couple to act out various kitchen tasks such as making a meal, putting away groceries, and washing dishes. These images are the result of my observations of their movements in this awkwardly small space. Gather explores gathering around a meal. Each variation of the image explores the relationships of both those present and those missing. After All After looks at the cyclical weight of mundane tasks in domestic life. The sequence of twelve prints creates an animated loop that magnifies and mixes the humor and disquiet.
Andrew DeCaen received a BA from the University of Dallas, Irving, Texas, and an MFA from the University of South Dakota, Vermillion. His artworks have been shown internationally and featured in numerous publications. DeCaen lives and works in Denton, Texas, where he is an Associate Professor of Art at the University of North Texas.