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Math, the One Which is Sweet
Angélica Negrón

“math, the one which is sweet” is the sound of getting lost in new love—of giving in to excitement, savoring anticipation, surrenderingto daydreams. It’s the thrill of getting to know someone new, and the lens of tenderness through which everything about them isperceived. It dismantles and plays with the false dichotomies of love: logic & emotion, order & abandon, repression & disinhibition.It’s an invitation to these dualities, like two people falling in love, to coexist in the dazed delight of newfound connection. This piecespeaks to the intimacy and vulnerability inherent in giving, receiving, and letting go of love.

math, the one which is sweet
Raquel Salas Rivera
sand of each beach
where i forgot i was a body
sea of grape and dry algae packing material for last names
coding for the time machine that
between futures eclipses an
the rain’s dirt
which approximates the cave’s air
the reef’s opening
where i enter and leave my town
like we do
in a bottom where fins glow
i suddenly cease
we don’t need lungs
the mouths that kiss the air the olas
the one which is sweet
a language for when we are a hybrid
of plane and gull
your voice
its convex exactitude
the chunk of satellite that collapsed
towards the water’s celestial cemetery
like that