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We honor the champions of the arts who have helped to create a legacy for
Miami City Ballet through their financial and estate planning. For more information, please contact 305.929.7000 x1402 or email development@miamicityballet.org


Madeline and Stephen Anbinder

Andrew Ansin and Tatsiana Ansin

James Ansin

Toby Lerner Ansin

Louise and Robert Appelman

Merrill Ashley

Bob Benson

Dianne and Michael Bienes*

Estate of Charlene Blue*

Alicia Celorio, Do Unto Others Trust, Inc

George and Anne Rochette Chamberlin*

Bruce and Martha Clinton, The Clinton Family Fund

Rita* and Jerome J. Cohen

Pamela and Todd* Cole

Dr. Samuel J. Colton

Jeffrey Davis and Michael T. Miller

Sanford Evans

Florman Family Foundation, Inc.

John J. & Patricia C. Foody* Trust

Estate of Batia Fox*

Neil and Ina Rae Fox

Jody Giberson and *Joanne Mercurio

Evelyn Gilbert*

Janine Gordon and Alvin Schechter

Dr. Gloria U. Greenberg

Edwin and Rita Greiner

Lynn and Emil Hubschman

Cathy and Jonathan Iho

Estate of Raymond Jakwerth

Kristi and Dean Jernigan

Estate of Anne Churchill Jones

William Jones

Stephen A. and Ethel L. Keller Fund of the Community Foundation of Broward

The Kirk Foundation

The Murray and Sylvana Klein Family Foundation

Estate of Eric Gilbert Koskoff*

Jacqueline Kott

Nancy and Edward Madden

Susan Mark

Lisa Massirman

Dr. Lewis N. Michaels and Pamela Michaels

Eleanor and Frank Pao

Adeline and Frank Pannizzo

Michael and Mary Ellen Peyton

Melissa* and Bill Quesenberry

Chevalier Martin Riskin

Eve and Jon Rounds

Gary Rugg and Wendy Joseph-Rugg

The Schwedel Family

In Loving Memory of Robert & Elke Schwedel

Estate of David and Ethel Sommer*

Gary and Roberta* Soren

The Lawrence and Marjorie Stoll Foundation

Estate of Rosalie W. Stone*

Peace Sullivan

Fred Teger and Dr. Jo Ann Mayer

Sandra Thompson

Marcos Tychbrojcher and George Dandridge

Gail Wasserman

Ted and Nora Weinreich

Pauline Winick

Lynn and Louis Wolfson*, II Family Foundation, Inc.