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Hometown: Paris, France

French/American dancer Sean Miller was born in Atlanta, Georgia and began dancing at age four. At twelve, he decided to take his classical studies seriously which him led him to move back to Paris to train at the Paris Opera Ballet School as well as the National Conservatory of Paris. He has also attended summer intensives at England’s Royal Ballet School as well as Alvin Ailey’s summer workshop.

Wanting to expand and experience different styles of training and movement, Sean moved back to the United States to study at Sarasota Cuban Ballet School where he was given several opportunities to perform a wide range of classical and contemporary works. He also competed in the Youth American Grand Prix (YAGP), where he received the Grand Prix first place Pas de Deux award in Toronto 2020 as well as being a finalist and placing at other regional YAGP competitions.

Sean joined the corps de ballet in 2021.