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Principal Conductor and Music Director

Gary Sheldon returns for his thirteenth season conducting for Miami City Ballet.  He has previously held positions with San Francisco Ballet, Atlanta Ballet and BalletMet.  He has guest conducted for numerous ballet companies throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and China.  In 2010, he was the first recipient of the American Prize in Conducting.  Subsequent awards include the BBC/Rupert Competition in London and the Stokowski Conducting Competition in New York; and he was recently recognized as a finalist for the American Prize in Composition for his ballet score to Claudia Schreier’s “La Source”, premiered by Miami City Ballet in 2022.  He currently serves as artistic director of the Lancaster Festival, a popular summer festival in Ohio.  The maestro counts as one of his many fond memories conducting for our company, the honor of being the first conductor of the first orchestra ever to perform ballet at Jacob’s Pillow, when MCB performed on tour there recently.

Find out more about our Miami City Ballet Orchestra here.