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Hometown: State College, Pennsylvania

Alexander Peters began his training with teacher Nicole Swope, continuing with the Allegheny Ballet Academy under the guidance of Deborah Anthony, Cristin Burwell, Cherie Noble and Richard Cook. He was accepted to the School of American Ballet and attended as a full-time student from 2007-2010 as a recipient of the Andrei Kramarevsky Scholarship. While at SAB, Peters had the privilege of participating in the New York Choreographic Institute, the annual SAB Workshops, an exchange program with the Royal Danish Ballet and the 2008 Jerome Robbins Celebration with New York City Ballet.

Following SAB, Peters danced with the Kansas City Ballet and later the Pennsylvania Ballet where he rose to the rank of Principal dancer.

Peters has performed a variety of principal roles including those in George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker®, The Prodigal Son, Allegro Brillante, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Puck and Oberon), Jewels (“Rubies”), Mozartiana, Duo Concertant, The Four Temperaments (Melancholic) and Square Dance; Jerome Robbins’ Dances at a Gathering, In the Night, N.Y. Export: Opus Jazz and Fancy Free; Jiří Kylián’s Petite Mort, Twyla Tharp’s Push Comes to Shove and Brahms/Handel, Wayne Mcgregor’s Chroma, William Forsythe’s The Second Detail, David Dawson’s The Third Light, Justin Peck’s Heatscape, Alexei Ratmansky’s Jeux de Cartes and Concerto DSCH, and Paul Taylor’s Company B. He has originated featured roles in multiple works including those by Matthew Neenan, Nicolo Fonte, Trey McIntyre and Brian Brooks.

Peters is a recipient of the 2008 Princess Grace Award and the 2010 Mae L. Wien Award for Outstanding Promise. Additionally, Peters has filmed archival segments with the George Balanchine Foundation.

He joined Miami City Ballet in 2017 as a Principal Soloist and was promoted to Principal in 2019.