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Hometown: Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Ethan Rodrigues was born in Toronto, Canada and started dance lessons when he was eight years old at the Holly Hughes Dance Academy. During his studies Ethan trained at Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet School and Canada’s National Ballet School where he later graduated from in 2020. Ethan continued his training at the European School of Ballet’s Trainee Program in Amsterdam under the direction of Jean-Yves Esquerre.

During his training Ethan had the opportunity to work with choreographers Robert Binet, James Kudelka, and Annabelle Lopez Ochoa, among others. In addition to his studies, Ethan had the opportunity to train during the summer at the Yorkshire Ballet Summer School and at the Paris Opéra Ballet Summer School through Canada’s National Ballet School’s exchange program.

Ethan joined MCB’s corps de ballet in 2021.