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Hometown: Tampa, Florida

Jordan Martinez began studying at the Next Generation Ballet at the Patel Conservatory in Tampa, Florida at age 11 under the direction of Peter Stark, Ivonne Lemus, and later Philip Neal. After competing in the Youth America Grand Prix in 2016, he won the Grand Prix award in the senior age division and went on to compete in the Final Round at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. At age 15, Jordan was invited to attend the Royal Ballet’s Upper School, where he was later accepted into the Graduate year, and received an artistic award from the London Ballet Association. Jordan danced with the Pennsylvania Ballet II for the 2019-2020 season and performed in works including George Balanchine’s Allegro Brillante and The Nutcracker, as well as Angel Corella’s Don Quixote and La Bayadere.

Jordan joined Miami City Ballet as corps de ballet member in 2020.