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Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina

Jasmine was born in Charlotte, North Carolina. Jasmine’s formal ballet training began at North Carolina Dance Theater under Patricia McBride, and Jean-Pierre Bonnefoux. At age fourteen, Jasmine was awarded a full scholarship by the School of American Ballet to move to New York City and further her ballet training. There she was taught by renowned faculty, including Suki Schorer, Kay Mazzo, Susan Pilarre, Jock Soto, and Darci Kistler. After training at SAB, she attended various summer programs such at Pacific Northwest Ballet, Houston Ballet and Miami City Ballet. She joined the Corps de Ballet of Los Angeles in 2014. During her nine seasons with the company she led roles in Balanchine ballets, classical story ballets, and various contemporary works. In 2019, Jasmine was promoted to the position of Soloist, making her the first African American to rise within the ranks of Los Angeles Ballet’s history. Jasmine has also performed as a guest artist with many companies, including Raiford Rogers Modern Ballet, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Black Iris Project, and the Luminario Ballet. She recently traveled to India with Luminario Ballet as a US cultural ambassador to perform works at the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival and led master classes.