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Hometown: Canton, Ohio

Cameron Catazaro was born in Canton, OH and began his dance training at the School of Canton Ballet under the tutelage of Cassandra Crowley, Angelo Lemmo and his mother, Jennifer Catazaro Hayward. In 2017, he began training with Darla Hoover at Ballet Academy East in New York City on full scholarship. There, he was awarded the prestigious David Howard Foundation Scholarship and performed the lead in George Balanchine’s Walpurgisnacht. In 2018, Cameron was accepted into Miami City Ballet School on a full scholarship, where he performed the lead role in George Balanchine’s Serenade. In 2023, he was included in Dance Magazine's yearly top 25 to watch.

He joined MCB as a corps de ballet dancer in 2019, was promoted to Soloist in 2023, and principal soloist in 2024.