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Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Katya Chernyshev was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and trained at Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School from the age of four. She is an alumna of St. Paul’s School’s Ballet Company, where she trained under the direction of former ABT Studio Company Director, Kate Lydon. At St. Paul’s School she was given numerous opportunities to perform lead roles in Giselle, Serenade, Valse Fantasie, and The Nutcracker.

Katya attended summer intensives at the School of American Ballet in New York City in 2016, 2017, and 2018. After graduating from St. Paul’s School, she attended Boston Ballet’s Summer Dance Program on scholarship where she was selected to join Boston Ballet’s Post Graduate Program for the 2022/23 season.

Katya then joined Milwaukee Ballet as a member of the second company, MBII, for the 2023/24 season. She was invited to perform Alexi Ratmansky’s Swan Lake with Miami City Ballet in 2024 and joins MCB as a full time corps de ballet member.