A few days after my wife's death from breast cancer in July of 2021, a close family friend brought up the idea of Requiem to commemorate her life and express gratitude for the glorious years we spent together. Over the course of the next months, a few poems were written and interwoven with Latin texts from the traditional Requiem. Each movement focuses on a different perspective on death, inspired mainly by the outpouring of love that was received by my family in our darkest hour.
As this project evolved, a horrendous war started across the oceans. This Requiem's Introduction thus also calls on the listener to set a small prayer or personal thought on behalf of victims of war who couldn't meet their Creator with a dignified end.
God bless everyone who helped me and my family through this ordeal. May the power of music help heal those who are experiencing pain across the world.
—Carlos Izcaray, ©2023