Led by Leo Warner, Mark Grimmer and Lysander Aston along with director of animation, Peter Stenhouse, 59 productions is a film and anew media production company with specialized in filmmaking and integrating the moving image into live performance. Theater projects include Waves (National Theatre/Schauspiel Holn) and Les Misérables (Cameron Mackintosh/world tour). Opera include 125th Anniversary Gala, Doctor Atomic (Met Opera/ENO), Satyagraha (ENO/Met Opera), Al Gran Sole Carico d’Amore (Salzburg Festival). Dance includes Invitus Invitam, The Goldberg Project (Royal Ballet) and Dorian Gray (Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures). Live Music includes the set and video design for Icelandic singer Jónsi (Sigur Rós). Short film includes the multi-award-winning A Family Portrait and The Half-Light. fiftynineproductions.co.uk