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Rayshaughn Armant

Rayshaughn Armant is thrilled to be making their Glow Lyric debut this summer! Rayshaughn has loved performing since a young age, and has most recently had the honor of playing Mister and The Preacher in The Color Purple, Audrey 2 in Little Shop of Horrors, and touring with The National Theatre for Children. When they aren’t traveling, Rayshaughn makes music and performs locally in their hometown of New Orleans.

Rayshaughn Armant

Rayshaughn Armant is thrilled to be making their Glow Lyric debut this summer! Rayshaughn has loved performing since a young age, and has most recently had the honor of playing Mister and The Preacher in The Color Purple, Audrey 2 in Little Shop of Horrors, and touring with The National Theatre for Children. When they aren’t traveling, Rayshaughn makes music and performs locally in their hometown of New Orleans.