× Past Events
Director's Society

Created in 2019, the Directors Society encourages and recognizes leadership giving to Playhouse onPark. Members, who qualify by making annual gifts of $1,000 or more, enjoy benefits that give them an insider's view of the theater and the creative process. Directors Society gifts are critical to filling the gap between ticket prices and the real cost of running our non-profit theater. The following donors have given $1,000 or more between 3/1/2023 - 3/1/2024. For more information, contact Emma Cook at ECook@PlayhouseTheatreGroup.org or 860-523-5900 x 15

Jayne Dean & Gaetano Albani
Bran & Stuart Berni
Carol & George Blauvelt
Matthew & Victoria Bragg
Grace Brandt
Sandra & Arnold Chase
Jennifer Coffey
Ann & Richard Cohen
Veanne Cox
Bill Silva & Anna Crawford
Carol Davis
Nina Elgo
Melanie & Matthew Ellis
Gene & Peter Evans
Tracy Flater & Tony Falcetti
Marcia Vannuccini & William Fish
Muriel & Karl Fleischmann
Matt & Irene Fleury
Jeffrey & JoAnn Forman
Gene Leach & Kathy Frederick
Jules & Maureen Gaudreau
Bonnie & Dan Gauthier
Myles & Tracy Gibbons
Connie Gobeille
Robert & Francine Goldfarb
Sherry Manetta & Brian Harvey
Barbara & Gerald Hess
Noreen Shugrue & Kevin Kenzenkovic
Susan King
Roy Wiseman & Lisa Kugelman
Andrew & Genevieve Lattimer
Marcia Lattimore
Andrew & Lauren Lieberman
Robert & Deborah Loomis
Dave & Judith Macri
Patricia & Michael Magee
David & Gail Mangs
Ryan McBride
Patrick & Carol McCabe
Robert & Susan Miller
Mark Agnoli & Kay Mooney
Alvin Thompson & Lesley Morgan-Thompson
Al & Sharon Mulvey
Pamela Lucas & John Nealon
Howard & Ann Orr
Bob & Margaret Patricelli
June M. Rosenblatt
James & Martha Ross
Marika & Michael Rouette
Richard & Lea Rubenstein
Hank & Helen Savage
Kristen Phillips & Matthew Schreck
Lee & Lynn Sherman
Mark Smith & Barbara Veale Smith
Lisa and Dan Steier
Leland Brandt & Lynne Tapper
Jeffrey Rudikoff & Edee Tenser
Denise & Robert Tovlin
Betsy & Matthew Udal
Ronald & Ruth Van Winkle
Carol Scoville & Hans Walser
David & Lisa Wurzer