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LAURIE MISENTI is grateful for the day she walked into a dancewear store in Vernon, CT, and inquired about adult dance classes in the area, many years ago. She was told about Darlene’s classes (by Darlene’s husband lol) and was so excited because she couldn’t wait to start dancing again. Countless memorable moments in dance filled her heart with joy from that day. Her biggest thrill was being asked to be a part of MY SHOW which began this wonderful group 20 years ago and is now endeared to her as her stop/time family. Laurie’s love for family began with the one she was blessed to grow up in and continues to cherish with each &every day. Who still holds the traditions of family & Sunday dinners very dearly & that she gets to share with her daughter Erica & son Phillip and will continue for generations to come. Laurie has taught dance for various studios in her past, as well as danced, and won numerous competitions with her brother Frank. Laurie is currently teaching tap classes at Higher Ground Core, a cardio/fitness/dance company, owned & run by her daughter Erica where “Your Best Body Awaits”. (highergroundcore.com) Along with her Stop/Time and Higher Ground family, Laurie feels forever blessed for the special relationship she shares with her children Erica & Phillip as well as her amazing family and friends. I love you all! Enjoy the show!