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Zulimar López-Hernández

A native of Puerto Rico, soprano Zulimar López-Hernández has been seen on the stages of Royal Albert Hall in London, Utah Opera, Des Moines Metro Opera, Nashville Opera, Virginia Opera, and Opera de Puerto Rico, among others. She was a National Semifinalist in the Metropolitan Opera Vocal Competition, Third Place winner in the Palm Beach Opera Vocal Competition and was awarded Radio Choice Audience Favorite in the Giargiari Bel Canto Competition.

The 2023-2024 season will feature an anticipated role debut for Ms. López-Hernández as Diana in the mariachi opera Cruzar la Cara de la Luna, in her return to Minnesota Opera. She also returns to the Sacramento Philharmonic & Opera, reprising the role of Zerlina in Don Giovanni.

Operatic highlights include multiple performances with Des Moines Metro Opera including Tina in Flight, Zerlina in Don Giovanni, and Norina in Don Pasquale; and Musetta in La bohème with Royal Albert Hall in London. 

Photo by Arielle Doneson