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Rev. Simeon Spencer

Rev. Simeon Spencer received his early nurture in the Christian faith under the tutelage of his father, the late Rev. J. Herbert Spencer, Sr. at the Morning Star Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. A graduate of the University of Alabama, his early career was spent working as a counselor at an alternative rehabilitation program for juvenile offenders. He then moved to Washington D.C., serving as Legislative Aide to United States Senator Richard C. Shelby for nearly ten years.

While working in the nation’s capital, Rev. Spencer acknowledged his call to the Christian Ministry and was licensed to preach by the New Samaritan Baptist Church. He further pursued his call by enrolling in Princeton Theological Seminary, from which he received the Master of Divinity Degree. There he distinguished himself in academics and service and was awarded the Aaron Gast Prize for Urban Ministry.

Rev. Spencer now serves as Senior Pastor of the Union Baptist Church in Trenton, New Jersey. During his twelve years of leadership the church has experienced tremendous growth, as the congregation has more than quadrupled in size from a membership of 300 to 1200 persons.

A sought after and versatile preacher, Rev. Spencer has ministered in varied forums from the rural south to the chapel of England’s prestigious Rugby School. His ministry, leadership, and contributions to the Trenton community and beyond have been recognized by several community organizations, including the NAACP and the Metropolitan Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce, and have led to his participation on Mercer County's A+ Task Force on Literacy, the Henry J. Austin Health Center’s Capital Fund Campaign, and McCarter Theater’s Board of Advisors.