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Youth Orchestra of Central Jersey

Since 2021, the Princeton Symphony Orchestra (PSO) has partnered with the Youth Orchestra of Central Jersey (YOCJ) in a multitude of ways. PSO’s Assistant Conductor, Kenneth Bean, serves as the director of YOCJ’s top orchestra, and PSO musicians and guest artists run captivating and enriching workshops and other educational programs for the students. YOCJ students and their families also benefit from significant access to PSO concerts, either via free or steeply discounted tickets.

Members of the YOCJ performing with the PSO today are:

Kyson Zhou, violin I
Prisha Bagchi, violin I 
Sloka Vendra, violin II 
Nishant Vasanth, violin II 
Arsh Mehan, viola 
Amithi Munagala, viola 
Lucas Horowitz, cello 
Morgan Li, cello 
Wallace Snow, double bass

Learn more about YOCJ at: yocj.org