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In Memoriam
Ingrid W. Reed

We thank the following donors for their gifts in memory of our beloved Board Advisor and former Trustee, Ingrid W. Reed. Ingrid’s engagement with the PSO reflected her passion for classical music and her belief in the importance of arts education. Her impact on our organization will be felt for years to come.  List as of November 21, 2024.

Anne and Paul Babineau

Joan T. Bassett

Marcia E. Bossart

Susan J. Carroll

John and Melanie Clarke

Ann and William Corwin 

Lawrence* and Helen Curtis

Helen S. Duncan

N. Ewing

Shire Feingold and Justin Ferrari 

Joyce A. Rechtschaffen and Lloyd S. Guerci

Marilyn C. Hagy

Dr. Frederick and Susan Herrmann

Pam Hersh

Feather Houstoun

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hoxie 

Steve Kornacki

Nicholas and Jane Kourtis 

League of Women Voters
   of Greater Princeton Area

Susan Levin

Kathy Ales and Richard Levine 

Joseph Maraziti

Yvonne Marcuse

Anastasia Marty

Audrey Yeager and Bryan McNamara

Joan Bartl and Walt McRee

Maura Nicolini

Rose Nini

Colleen O'Dea

Dr. Ferris Olin

Sandra Rabinowitz

Bruce and Terri Reed

The Sage-Lawrence Fund

Mrs. Stuart C. Schwartz

Sandra and Daniel Shapiro

Margaret Griffin and Scott Sillars 

Alice K. Small

Ruta and Drew Smithson 

Marcia Snowden

Christine Stearns

Chris and Jim Sturm

Mara Connolly and Pete Taft 

Terra Momo

Yoshiko Joy Tsuzuki

Gail M. Ullman

Carole Umscheid

Jacqueline Kerrod and Marc Uys 

Anne VanLent Fund of the PACF 

Joan, Jennifer, and Ralph Widner

Louise Currey Wilson

Karen and Richard Woodbridge 

Suzanne and Steve Wray 

Anonymous (7)