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Paulo Hernandez-Farella

Paulo (they/them) is a first-generation Salvadoran-American from Los Angeles, CA. Paulo attended the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts and later received a full scholarship at the University of Southern California where they graduated with both a BFA in Dance and a master’s in Public Administration. Paulo has been a scholarship student for many dance programs including The Juilliard School Summer Intensive, the Joffrey Ballet’s International Intensive, and Alonzo King LINES Intensive. Paulo is also one of seven 2016–2017 dance scholars with Nigel Lythgoe’s Dizzyfeet Foundation. During their career, Paulo has performed the works of Forsythe, Kylián, Duato, Balanchine, Graham, Taylor, Petipa, and Lopez Ochoa, to name a few and choreographed their own original work. This is Paulo’s sixth season with Ballet Hispánico.