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Lai Hung-chung
Artistic Director & Choreographer

Lai Hung-chung, a Taiwan National University of Arts graduate, founded Hung Dance in 2017, leaving a remarkable imprint on Taiwanese choreography. In 2016, he won gold and three awards at the Taiwan Creative Dance Competition, a record-setting feat. Lai's triumphs extended globally, garnering accolades in international choreography competitions.

Lai's creation, rooted in the theme of freedom, incorporates Tai Chi elements with contemporary concepts, fostering an inventive dance vocabulary and pushing creative boundaries. Noteworthy pieces like Boundless (2018), See You (2020), Formless Erosion (2022), and Birdy (2023) reflect this ethos. See You received Taishin Arts Award nomination and earned acclaim at prestigious festivals, including 9 five-star reviews at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and Adelaide Fringe Festival. Birdy sold out all its 20 shows at the Festival OFF Avginon in 2023.

Lai drives international collaboration and supports emerging talents. He founded the Stray Birds Dance Platform in 2019, spotlighting innovative, international choreography and offering production and touring opportunities. Lai's commitment to diversifying Taiwan's dance scene is evident in his cultural exchanges and connections.

In summary, Lai Hung-chung's Hung Dance legacy encompasses pioneering achievements, international recognition, and a commitment to enriching Taiwan's dance landscape through artistic exploration and global engagement.

"Taiwanese choreographer Lai Hung-Chung continues to show he’s a rising star." — Lucy Ribchester, The List.