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O Admirabile Commercium
Thomas Stoltzer

Thomas Stoltzer was perhaps the most important German Composer of the early sixteenth century, even though he came to composition only in the last fifteen years of his brief life. Many of his 150 works were popular in his day, being widely circulated throughout central Europe. Although his compositions spanned many genres, including masses, motets and partsongs, Stoltzer is best remembered for his contribution to the German Psalm motet.

O admirabile commercium!
Creator generis humani 
Animatum corpus sumens,
De virgine nasci dignatus est:
Et procedens homo sine semine,
Largitus est nobis suam deitatem.

O wondrous exchange!
The creator of the human race,
assuming a living body,
has designed to be born of a virgin
and, becoming man without human seed,
He has bestowed upon us his divinity.

Program notes by Matt Niess, Matt Oltman, Vince Peterson, Dina Spyropoulos, Noah Wagar and Drew Young.