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Hebrew Prayers
Natan Berenshteyn
English translations provided by Natan Berenshteyn



R’tzei Adonai Eloheinu b’am’cha Yisrael,
ut’filatam b’ahavah t’kabeil. Ut’hi l’ratzon
tamid avodat Yisrael amecha. Sh’foch
ruchacha aleinu. V’techezenah eineinu
b’shuv’cha l’Tzion b’rachamim. Baruch ata
Adonai she-ot’cha l’vad’cha b’yirah naavod.

Find Favor

Find favor, Adonai our God, with your people
Israel, and accept their prayer in love. May
the worship of Your people Israel always be
acceptable. Pour out Your spirit upon us. Let
our eyes behold the vision of your return to
Zion in compassion. Praised are You, Adonai,
whom alone we serve in reverence.

(Sabbath and other liturgies, selections from the Reform version)

Yihiyu L’ratzon

Yihiyu l’ratzon imrei fi v’hegyon libi
l’fanecha, Adonai tzuri v’go-ali. Amen.

May It Be Your Will

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of
my heart be acceptable before You, Adonai, my
Rock and my Redeemer. Amen.

(Psalms 19:15)

L’dor Vador

L’dor vador nagid god’lecha, Ul’netzach
n’tzachim k’dushat’cha nakdish.
V’shivchacha. Eloheinu, mipinu lo yamush
l'olam vaed. Baruch ata, Adonai, hael

From Generation to Generation

From generation to generation we will declare
your greatness. And for ever and ever we will
make sacred your holiness. For you, God and
sovereign, are great and holy. Praised are you,
Adonai, the holy God.

Oseh Shalom

Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya-aseh shalom
aleinu v’al kol Yisrael v’al kol yoshvei teiveil,
Yihiyu l’ratzon imrei fi v’hegyon libi l’fanecha,
Adonai tzuri, v’imru: Amen.

Prayer for Peace

May the One who makes peace in the high
heavens make peace for us, for all Israel
and all who inhabit the earth. May the
words of my mouth and the meditations of
my heart be acceptable before You,
Adonai, my Rock. And let us say: Amen.

(The addition of “all who inhabit the earth” is a modern innovation.)