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A Short Story (Told Your Way)
Jaida Fox
Goodson Chapel – Recital Hall
6PM & 6:45PM

Short Stories is a piece for saxophone quartet written by Jennifer Higdon. The work is made up of 6 movements, each containing its own short story, intended to be played in any order and any combination. The purpose of this project is to break the normal rules of an audience just watching a performance, and to have more collaboration between performers and audience members. To do that, the audience will choose which and how many movements the ensemble will play the during the performance in order to make their own interpretation of the short story.

Suggested Show Rating: G
Type of Project

In-person performance/presentation

Approximate Run Time

20–25 minutes


Sarah McMichen, soprano saxophone
Kalina Keller, alto saxophone
Mary Truitt, tenor saxophone
Jaida Fox, baritone saxophone

Faculty Mentor

Jonathan Yanik