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Alma Redemptóris Mater
Isabella Leonarda

Alma Redemptóris Mater, quae pérvia caeli 
Porta manes, et stella maris, succúrre cadénti,
Súrgere qui curat pópulo: tu quæ genuísti, 
Natúra miránte, tuum sanctum Genitórem 
Virgo prius ac postérius, Gabriélis ab ore 
Sumens illud Ave, peccatórum miserére 

Loving Mother of the Redeemer, who remains the 
accessible Gateway of Heaven, and Star of the Sea,
Give aid to a falling people that strives to rise;
O Thou who begot thy holy Creator,
while all nature marveled, Virgin before and after
receiving that "Ave" from the mouth of Gabriel,
have mercy on sinners.