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Song of Righteousness

天地有正气 杂然赋流形 下则为河岳 上则为日星  皇路当清夷 含和吐明庭 时穷节乃见 一一垂丹青 是气所磅礴 凛烈万古存  当其贯日月 生死安足论

Heaven and earth possess righteous energy,
Chaotic yet giving rise to form and shape.
Below, they become rivers and mountains,
Above, they become sun, moon, and stars.

The imperial road should be clear and tranquil,
Harmonious and brilliant is the royal court.
Only in times of hardship does true character reveal itself,
Each one is recorded for posterity in red and blue.

This energy is vast and powerful,
Its sternness endures throughout the ages.
When it penetrates the sun and moon,
Life and death are insignificant.