Signor, se d’un tal fiore
Ne fai prodigo dono al mio desio
Vo presentar ti anch’ io
Benche vil contra cambio a tant’ onore,
Un mazzetto di Rose e di Hiacinti
Colti nei miei recinti
Tu che sai la piu bell’ Aurora,
Che risplenda nei cielo d’Amor
S’ancor l’ Alba di Rose s’infiora,
Non sdgnar piccol dono di fior
Translation by Robert Kendrick
Lord, if with such a flower,
you make a lavish gift to my desires
I too, would present you
(though there is slight recompense for such honor)
A garland of roses and hyacinths
Plucked in my own cloistered grounds.
Aria You that are the most beautiful dawn,
That glows in love’s heaven,
Though the sky still flowers with roses
Do not scorn a small gift of flowers.