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B.E. Boykin
John 3:16

Composer, conductor and pianist Brittney Boykin (B.E. Boykin) first pursued her interest in composition during her time at Spelman College, attending classes that inspired and challenged her musical imagination. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Music, Boykin continued composing and arranging choral compositions while attending Westminster Choir College of Rider University in Princeton, New Jersey, graduating with a Master of Music in Sacred Music and receiving the R & R Young Composition Prize. Among her professional endeavors, Boykin has also been featured as the conductor/composer-in-residence for the 2017 Harry T. Burleigh Commemorative Spiritual Festival at Tennessee State University. Boykin is currently an assistant professor of music at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She obtained her Ph.D. from Georgia State University with an emphasis in music education.