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ArKtype / Thomas O. Kriegsmann

ArKtype / Thomas O. Kriegsmann is an industry leading management and production company specializing in new work development and touring worldwide.

His past work includes projects with Kaneza Schaal, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Peter Brook, Daniel Fish, Victoria Thiérrée-Chaplin, Yael Farber, Anna Deavere Smith, Annie-B Parson & Paul Lazar, Lisa Peterson, Peter Sellars, Julie Taymor, John Cameron Mitchell and Tony Taccone.

He recently served as director of programs at New York Live Arts. Recent premieres include 600 HIGHWAYMEN’s A THOUSAND WAYS, Bryce Dessner’s TRIPTYCH (EYES OF ONE ON ANOTHER) with Roomful of Teeth, John Cameron Mitchell’s THE ORIGIN OF LOVE, Kaneza Schaal & Christopher Myers’ CARTOGRAPHY, Sam Green & Kronos Quartet’s A THOUSAND THOUGHTS, Big Dance Theater / Mikhail Baryshnikov’s MAN IN A CASE, Nora Chipaumire’s #PUNK100%POP*NIGGA, Nalaga’at Deaf-Blind Theater’s NOT BY BREAD ALONE, The Freedom Theatre of Palestine’s THE SIEGE and Byron Au Yong & Aaron Jafferis’ TRIGGER based in communities nationwide in recognition of the 10th anniversary of the Virginia Tech massacre.

Ongoing collaborations include 600 HIGHWAYMEN, Big Dance Theater, Rude Mechs, Adrien M. & Clare B., Noche Flamenca,Toshi Reagon, and Compagnia T.P.O. Upcoming premieres include Scott Shepherd’s THIS IGNORANT PRESENT w/Malthouse, Sam Green’s 32 SOUNDS, Karen O & Lila Neugebauer’s FORGET ABOUT YOU and Nora Chipaumire’s NEHANDA.

He is a founding member of CIPA (The Creative & Independent Producer Alliance).

Visit arktype.org to learn more.