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Adieu jusque je vous revoye
from ‘A Love Cycle’ (Marques Garrett)

Farewell until I see you again
Farewell my direct stream of joy
My comfort, my joyous hope.
Parting is so painful to me
That I know not what to do.

I cannot be joyful
When I go away and no longer see you
My love, my gracious fortune.
Farewell until I see you again
Farewell my direct stream of joy
My comfort, my joyous hope.

Farewell I say to you, though it pains me too much,
Farewell the best that love could send me
My lady, I would serve you all my days.
May the gods send you as many good things
As I wish for myself.

Anonymous, fifteenth century French text
Translation © by David Wyatt, reprinted with permission from the LiederNet Archive