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Canticle of the Sun
Amy Beach | St. Francis of Assisi | tr. Matthew Arnold

O Most High, Almighty, good Lord God,
to Thee belong praise, glory, honor, and all blessing!

Praised be my Lord God with all His creatures,
and specially our Brother the Sun,
who brings us the day and who brings us the light;
fair is he and shining with a very great splendor:
O Lord, he signifies to us Thee!

Praised be my Lord for our Sister the Moon, and for the Stars,
the which He has set clear and lovely in heaven.

Praised be my Lord for our Brother the Wind,
and for air and cloud, calms and all weather
by the which Thou upholdest in life all creatures.

Praised be my Lord for our Sister Water,
who is very serviceable unto us and humble and precious and clean.

Praised be my Lord for our Brother Fire,
through whom Thou givest us light in the darkness;
and he is bright and pleasant and very mighty and strong.

Praised be my Lord for our Mother the Earth,
the which doth sustain us and keep us,
and bringeth forth divers fruits and flowers of many colors, and grass.

Praised be my Lord for all those who pardon one another for His love's sake,
and who endure weakness and tribulation;
blessed are they who peaceably shall endure,
for Thou, O most Highest, shalt give them a crown.

Praised be my Lord for our Sister, the Death of the Body,
from which no man escapeth.
Woe to him who dieth in mortal sin!
Blessed are they who are found walking by Thy most holy will,
for the second death shall have no power to do them harm.

Praise ye and bless the Lord, and give thanks unto Him
and serve him with great humility.