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Four Songs to the Words of Chinese Poetry
Music by Pavel Haas | Translations by Bohumil Mathesius
I. Zaslech jsem divoké husy (“I heard wild geese”)

My home is there, far away
Far, far, far away.
You ought to go there,
My stray heart!
There, far away, home home.

During a strange night,
In the autumn rain,
When sorrow’s cool breeze
Chilled me to the bone,
In my spacious home
I heard the shriek of wild geese,
Who just came flying.

My home is far away there.

2. V bambusovém háji (“In the bamboo grove”)

There are no people in bamboo,
In bamboo I sit alone.
Here I play softly my lute,
Or whistle my favorite tune.

Who, tell me, good people, who knows,
Where I sit alone and lonely,
Alone in bamboo
And gazing through a bamboo
At the rising silver of the lune.

3. Daleko měsic je domova (“The moon is far from home”)

From murky ocean the moon is rising
Now blooming in a distant land.
Love bemoans its futile dream .
Love bemoans its dream waiting for the eve to come.

Brighter the moon gleams on my sorrow.
I’m donning a night garment,
For the hoarfrost is cold.

Hands, my hands!
How empty you are,
Unable to express it all,
Express it all!

O sleep, give me a dream,
A dream about my return home.
My return home!
O sleep, unable to give me a dream:
My longing awakens me always.

4. Probděná noc (“Sleepless Night”)

Bamboo is swaying in the wind,
On a rock rested the moon.
And the high flying wild duck
Overshadowed the quivering Milky Way.

I think of our reunion,
Our reunion,
As dreams pass by my eyelids,
Dreams pass by my eyelids.

And while I sing joyfully
While I sing joyfully,
Chatter of magpies awakens a new day,
Awakens a new day!

La, la, la, la…