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Elizabeth Albert

Elizabeth celebrates her tenth anniversary as Shenandoah Summer Music Theatre's (SSMT) managing director and her 32nd show on the SSMT stage this summer (but who's counting, right?) Favorite SSMT roles include Mrs. Potts (Beauty and the Beast), Ruth (The Pirates of Penzance), Carrie Pipperidge (Carousel), and violinist #4 for the 1995 and 1996 summers.

Liz holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre and a Performance Certificate in Voice from Shenandoah Conservatory and is often heard as a featured musician at local churches and classical concerts in the region.

She'd like to say a special thanks to the memory of Hal Herman and to all the founding members of SSMT, including Robyn Schroth, Mac Bozman, Tom Albert, and all those who gave of their time, efforts, and summer vacations to make this dream a reality. She's so proud to have seen the very first production (and been a part of many others along the way) and to be a part of this special 40th anniversary season. Long may the tradition continue!