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Dr Jeffrey Marlatt
Interim Dean & Professor of Music, Shenandoah Conservatory

Jeffrey Marlatt is the Interim Dean of Shenandoah Conservatory. Prior to stepping into the interim role, he served as Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs at Shenandoah Conservatory of Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia. Dr. Marlatt has held a faculty appointment in music education since 2006 and was named as a recipient of the Charlotte A. and Verne E. Collins Endowed Professorship in Music in 2009. He holds a Ph.D. in music education from Temple University; Master of Music in music theory from Northwestern University and Bachelor of Music in music education from Butler University.

One of the things I’ve always loved about Shenandoah Conservatory is our commitment to artistic and academic excellence. Faculty, staff and students spend their days going above and beyond. I look forward to leading the Conservatory as interim dean and building on the Conservatory’s traditions while supporting work that is collaborative and innovative as we navigate what music, theatre and dance can be in the 21st century. As we advance the Conservatory’s work, we will broaden our commitment to inclusion, diversity and equity — enabling our students to thrive while preparing them for future successes.

Dr. Marlatt is passionate about music teaching and learning and strives to be a better teacher every day. He joined the conservatory faculty after 18 years of teaching in elementary, middle school, high school and collegiate music programs in Indiana, Pennsylvania and Ohio. His teaching includes both public and independent school settings.

Marlatt supports the work of over 120 conservatory faculty members; champions curricular innovation across 26 degree programs in music, theatre and dance; and supports the day-to-day operations of the conservatory. He has served on the Faculty Senate of Shenandoah University, the University Curriculum Committee and oversees accreditation processes within the conservatory. Prior to his appointment as Senior Associate Dean, Marlatt served as Director of Music Education and Assistant Dean for Student Learning.

In his role as Director of Music Education, he oversaw the revision of the undergraduate program to include an ambitious sequence of courses designed to develop musician teachers as leaders and learners. Under his leadership the music education program boasted a 100% placement rate. He also implemented a home school association partnership and while working with over 100 alumni and faculty donors oversaw the creation and dedication of the Collins Music Learning Suite. Dr. Marlatt has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in music education and advised research projects for doctoral and master’s students.

In his role as Assistant Dean for Student Learning, Marlatt guided unit and program level assessment plans. Creating a framework for assessment strategies in music, theatre and dance, he led the conservatory’s effort to design and implement student learning outcomes, curriculum maps, end-of-program assessment plans and continuous improvement plans across 26 conservatory degree programs.

Dr. Marlatt is an active clinician, conductor and adjudicator and has appeared as a presenter at state, regional, national and international music education conferences. He has served as the Virginia Music Educators Association Conference coordinator, as facilitator for the Society for Music Teacher Education’s curriculum ASPA, and as co-chair of the 5th International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education. His research interests include musical identities, music teacher education and the practice of assessment. He is published through Oxford University Press and GIA.