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Don Quichotte A Dulcinée
Maurice Ravel
I. Chanson épique

Good Saint Michael who gives me leave
To behold and hear my Lady,
Good Saint Michael who deigns to elect me
To please her and defend her,
Good Saint Michael, descend, I pray,
With Saint George onto the altar
Of the Madonna robed in blue.

With a heavenly beam bless my blade
And its equal in purity
And its equal in piety
As in modesty and chastity:
My Lady.

O great Saint George and great Saint Michael
Bless the angel watching over my vigil,
My sweet Lady, so like unto Thee,
O Madonna robed in blue!

Text by Paul Morand

II. Chanson épique

Good Saint Michael who gives me leave
To behold and hear my Lady,
Good Saint Michael who deigns to elect me
To please her and defend her,
Good Saint Michael, descend, I pray,
With Saint George onto the altar
Of the Madonna robed in blue.

With a heavenly beam bless my blade
And its equal in purity
And its equal in piety
As in modesty and chastity:
My Lady.

O great Saint George and great Saint Michael
Bless the angel watching over my vigil,
My sweet Lady, so like unto Thee,
O Madonna robed in blue!

Text by Paul Morand

III. Chanson à boire

A pox on the bastard, illustrious Lady,
Who to discredit me in your sweet eyes,
Says that love and old wine
Are saddening my heart and soul!

I drink
To joy!
Joy is the only goal
To which I go straight... when I'm... drunk!

A pox on the jealous wretch, O dusky mistress,
Who whines and weeps and vows
Always to be this lily-livered lover
Who dilutes his drunkenness!

I drink
To joy!
Joy is the only goal
To which I go straight... when I'm... drunk!

Text by Paul Morand