Matt Ryan

Matt Ryan grew up in a musical family in Toronto, Canada. At an early age Matt began to use the family piano to play and compose music. Matt was soon drawn to drums and this is where his musical journey would begin.

While working as a professional drummer in Toronto, Matt was introduced into the production end of the music industry. Matt began to produce and record acclaimed Canadian artists as well as his own personal recording projects. The success of his production company/recording studio in the Toronto area soon lead Matt’s interest into other areas of the music industry.

Matt soon became fascinated with the theatrical world of live performance art. With part of Matt’s educational background being in the dramatic arts the next part of his journey was a natural progression. Matt soon found his calling producing and performing in live theatre shows and rock concert shows.

In the year 2000, Matt moved his production company to Las Vegas, NV to perform the “Springsteen” character for Legends In Concert. Soon after, Matt, along with partner, Matthew Sully (Miami Steve) produced the one of a kind show, Bruce In The USA. The Show had its acclaimed debut on the Las Vegas strip at the Aladdins, V Theatre. With hard work and an old school ethic, Matt along with Sully and the band brought, Bruce In The USA from a show on the Vegas strip to the top rated National touring act it is today.