Trenton "Poptart" Shuler

Though by far the youngest member of the band, Trenton Shuler is an old soul at heart. Originally on the road with Resurrection to help out on the crew and to work the merchandise table, Trenton's love of classic rock served him well in 2021, when the band's bassist at the time was the travel victim of a snow storm in Houston, of all places, and unable to make a red-eye flight to Myrtle Beach for a show.  Getting a call from Resurrection's band leader at midnight the night before the scheduled performance, Trenton accepted the challenge to work on tunes through the wee hours of the evening and try his hand at covering for the missing bassist.  Not in possession of a bass guitar on the road at the time, Trenton worked on the show using guitarist Steve Sheroan's Les Paul to polish up on the bass lines for the upcoming set of Journey tunes.  Come daylight, while the rest of the band prepared to head to the theater for sound check, Trenton headed to the local music store to purchase a bass for the evening.  That same bass still graces the Resurrection stage as Trenton earned his rightful place as a permanent member of the band, saving the show under the most stressful of circumstances.  And by the way, Poptart's favorite flavor is Brown Sugar & Cinnamon.