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Gala Flagello

Vitality (2022) was written for the Aspen Conducting Academy 2022 orchestral readings and was inspired by a quote by Marth Graham: “There is vitality, a life force, a quickening, that is translated through you into action and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.” Graham begins in celebration of discovery and hope (the what), then reflects upon the process (the how), and closes with a warning (the why). The piece loosely follows this structure, musically exploring the prickly and potent glimmers of one’s life force alongside the uncertainty of self-expression and vulnerability. Vitality was written in memory of my friend and fellow horn player Marina Krol Hodge (1994-2022) and my father-in-law Steve Williams (1958-2022), both of whom left this world too soon but were the very embodiment of unique expression. Their bright spirits are present in the horn soli that appear throughout the work. Thank you to the Youth Performing Arts School Wind Ensemble and Dr. Kevin Callihan, director, for breathing life into the band transcription of Vitality. (Gala Flagello)